NoteTab™ 4.9 Registration Information and Order Form There are several ways you can purchase a registered copy of NoteTab: 1. If you own a credit card, the fastest method is to order from our secure order area on the NoteTab web site. It takes just a few minutes to fill in the order form and for your credit card information to be processed before you reach the download link to the software package. The order page is at: (main site) or (Swiss site) Note that you can also order from if the provided link fails. You do not need to use the form below if you order online. 2. Order by Phone or Fax If you prefer, you can order NoteTab from Universal Commerce by sending your credit card number by phone or fax (instead of sending it over the Internet). You will need to provide the following information: * Product you want to order (NoteTab Pro or NoteTab Std) * Your full name * Your full address w/ postal code and country (should match the credit card address) * Your full phone number * Your e-mail address * Your credit card information (card type, number, validity) * Your signature -- if you send this information by fax Then, once your order has been received and the credit card information processed, you will get a receipt and a download link together with registration information by e-mail. Use any of the following numbers to make your order: Toll Free Phone.... 1-877-353-7297 Toll Free Fax...... 1-888-353-7276 Phone.............. 1-425-392-2294 Fax................ 1-425-392-0223 3. If you prefer to pay by check or money order, or if you want the software sent to you on diskette, you can purchase your registered copy from our NoteTab agent in the USA: Jody Adair . Payments must be in US dollars drawn on a US bank, or you can send international postal money orders in US dollars. Send your check or money order, payable to Eric G.V. Fookes, along with the completed order form to: Fookes Software P.O. Box 998 Milton FL 32572-0998 USA Please do not forget to send your e-mail address! If you cannot accept downloads or e-mail attachments, you will have to adjust the cost of the program to include a CD-ROM and any handling costs. 4. You can also pay the author directly by sending cash (only in US Dollars or Swiss Francs) together with this order form in an envelope, or by transferring your payment to his Swiss postal account. The mailing address is: Fookes Software Av. Eugène-Pittard 22 Ter CH - 1206 Geneva Switzerland Please also send an e-mail to to inform us that your payment is on its way. Once your payment arrives, we will send you a download link to the software. 5. Site licenses are also available. Please contact Fookes Software for the latest pricing at . Purchase orders are accepted from government and accredited educational institutions and major corporations under certain conditions. See the Help file for more information. IMPORTANT: The product prices listed here and in other NoteTab documentation are valid until the end of September 2002. After that date, prices are subject to change without notice. Up-to- date pricing information can be found on the Web at: (main site) or (Swiss site) or by writing to . ==========================[Cut Here]========================== NoteTab™ 4.9 Order Form/Invoice Prices in US Dollars and guaranteed through September 2002. I would like to order: NoteTab Pro Single Copy: ____ copies at $19.95 each = ______ NoteTab Std Single Copy: ____ copies at $ 9.95 each = ______ [ ] Download link: Free Shipping & handling Free or [ ] On CD: $10.00 in the United States (*) = ______ [ ] On CD: $12.00 for other countries (*) = ______ Shipping & handling is included in prices above. CD includes Trial versions of our other software and some extra help files. Total payment = ______ (*) This service is currently only available through our agent in the USA. International orders are accepted. Customer information is considered confidential and will not be sold, shared, or distributed to third party companies. ______________________________________________________________ Ms/Mr First name [please print] Surname ______________________________________________________________ E-mail address (required for download or if order incorrect!) ______________________________________________________________ Company ______________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________ ZIP or Postal code / City ______________________________________________________________ Country [ ] Check/money order is enclosed [ ] Payment in cash is enclosed Only use the following methods when ordering from author: [ ] Payment made to postal account: CCP Geneva, #12-51699-7 [ ] Payment made to bank: UBS SA, CP 2600, 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland Branch code: 0279 SWIFT code: UBS WCH ZH 12 B Account: 279-C0612461.0 (holder: Eric Fookes) ==========================[Cut Here]==========================